Criminally Drunk
Four college buddies, four beers, and some of the greatest crimes in the history of the mankind! Jake, Cory, Jack, and Brendan present their takes on the most jaw-dropping true crime cases in the world, while making a weekly drinking game out of it!
Criminally Drunk
What Happened to Walter Collins?
Jake Hubertus
Season 1
Episode 8
On this episode the guys try and solve the mystery of what happened to Walter Collins, a nine- year-old boy who went missing in the 1920s on his way home from the movies. Walter's disappearance takes place alongside the backdrop of another disappearance in central LA, where a young girl was kidnapped on her way home from school. Will the guys be able to solve the mystery of what happened to Walter? Be sure to leave a rating and review to let us know what you'd like to see from this series going forward!